An energetic debate is needed but backers of wind energy need to face truth

OUR electricity supply is in a perilous state with engineers regularly warning that the safety margin between supply and demand is critical.

Coal and gas power plants are deliberately being closed to meet legally-binding commitments to reduce CO2 emissions under the UK Climate Change Act.

Other nations have merely promised to reduce emissions but perversely burn fossil fuels.

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The government is secretly planning to phase out the use of gas, for both cooking and heating our homes, to reduce emissions.

The “2050 Pathways Analysis” report from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) proposes a wholesale switch from gas to wind electricity.

Where will this extra electricity come from?

There are 16 million homes connected to the gas grid so the extra electricity needed will require an additional 55,000 wind turbines costing £500 billion – this cost will end up on energy bills.