Letter: Art attack

I write as a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) to express my concern over the proposed merger with Edinburgh University (your report, 9 September).

Such a merger based mainly on uncertain financial benefits would surely put at risk the independent and international reputation developed by the college and maintained throughout the 20th century and to the present day. Once lost, this may never be regained, with the possibility of the college becoming merely a faculty in the much wider scope of the university and vulnerable to the brunt of not too distant and inevitable savage cuts in the university's stretched expenditure.

Another major concern is the future security of the buildings and site. It is easy to see that Edinburgh University has a very poor record in conservation of significant buildings (such as George Square and neighbouring sites) and has obviously been impervious to public opinion in the past with scant regard to the preservation of buildings of historical or architectural merit.

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The college is situated on a valuable city centre site which, despite present assurances, could become vulnerable to future budgets.

The merger would inevitably put the future of ECA at extreme risk for future generations for the sake of some immediate but short-sighted financial "benefits". The importance of ECA and its reputation, significance and value to the city as a major centre for excellence cannot be ignored.

This is a matter of huge importance to the future of art education in Scotland and as such needs to be opened for discussion first to the alumni and also to the wider reaches of public concern.

Jill Bennett

Afton Terrace
