Letter: Kilted golfer's last word on ban

I AM the kilted golfer referred to in the story "Teed off by Royal Troon kilt ban" (News, 5 September) and would like to thank Martin Dempster for his thoughtful "For" commentary which I felt was right on point with the issue. I thought the "Against" comments presented by Professor David Purdie were far-fetched and the most ridiculous argument imaginable and completely misdirected.

I would like to thank all the other clubs - Turnberry, Muirfield, Carnoustie, St Andrews New and Old Courses, Dukes and Kingsbarns - for their hospitality in allowing me to play my rounds on their outstanding courses while kilted in traditional fashion, and respectful of the traditions of golf and of my Scottish heritage. I would also like to thank all those who have written to support my cause: Scots, Americans, golfers, kilt-wearers, bloggers and the general public across the world alike. But mostly to Scotland on Sunday for having the courage to write what some might consider a slam on Scotland tourism, something I would hope this would never be perceived as.

Jeffrey L Foster, Goshen, KY, USA